Deploying a Containerized RHCS4.1 cluster

Shon Paz
6 min readJul 2, 2020

Ceph is a distributed, unified software-defined storage solution, it can be the source of your relevant storage protocols by exposing block, file, and object storage. Most of Ceph’s installation today is being used as daemons treated as system services and can be started, stopped, reloaded, disabled, etc. With the massive adoption of microservices and container engines, Ceph daemons can be installed as containers too without causing any bottlenecks at all. Having Ceph running in containers increases management simplicity dramatically since containers are stateless and can easily spawn up when having a failure. Even more than that, upgrading a containerized Ceph cluster will only require pulling the diffs from the newer container image.

In this demo, I’ll show you how you can deploy a collocated containerized Ceph cluster using the ceph-ansible package. In our demo, OSD, Mon, Mgr and RGW daemons will be collocated within the same servers for simplicity, the only dedicated Virtual Machine will be the used for the Prometheus & Grafana deployment (can be collocated as well).


  • 1 Ansible bastion running Ceph-ansible
  • 3 Virtual Machines used for Ceph’s containers (Don’t forget to attach disks for the OSDs)
  • 1 Virtual Machine used for Ceph’s Prometheus & Grafana
  • Passwordless SSH configures between the bastion and the rest of the servers

Note: All VMs are running RHEL8.2 Operating System


Preparing the Deployer

The Ansible deployer is responsible for running the ansible-playbook that will deploy our Ceph cluster. This is why we need two main repositories when running our deployment:

  • ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms — Will provide us the suitable ansible package
  • rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms — Will provide us the relevant ceph-ansible package

To use those repositories, make sure you use the subscription-manager to enable those repositories:

$ subscription-manager register$ subscription-manager attach --auto$ subscription-manager repos --enable ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms$ subscription-manager repos --enable rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

After enabling the needed repositories, let’s install the packages needed for the deployment:

$ yum install -y ansible
$ yum install -y ceph-ansible

Setting Passwordless SSH

We need the bastion to be able to SSH our machines without needing to type a password, in order to do so:

$  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Now to copy the public key to all of your machines you could use:

$ ssh-copy-id <user>@<machine>

After we have configured Passwordless SSH, let’s build our inventory file to suit our Ceph cluster deployment, in the /etc/ansible/hosts:


Now let’s test our SSH connection using the ansible ping module:

$ ansible -m ping allceph-osd3 | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
ceph-osd1 | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
ceph-osd2 | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
ceph-grafana | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

Setting the installation files

The Ceph-ansible package holds all the installation files in the /usr/share/ceph-ansible directory. There you will find all the playbooks, roles, and vars files needed for the installation. We will use two files for the installation.

First, change directory:

$ cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible

Changing variables in the all.yml file

The group_vars/all.yml file contains all the needed vars for us (except few vars for the OSDs), it contains a lot of variables but i'll sum up the minimal needed variables for the installation:

monitor_interface: eth0
public_network: x.x.x.x/x
cluster_network: x.x.x.x/x
radosgw_interface: eth0
radosgw_num_instances: 1
ceph_docker_image: "$REG/rhceph-4-rhel8"
ceph_docker_image_tag: "latest"
ceph_docker_registry: "$REG"
ceph_docker_registry_auth: true
ceph_docker_registry_username: "$REG_USER"
ceph_docker_registry_password: "$REG_PASSWORD"
containerized_deployment: True
dashboard_enabled: True

Simple as that, just search for each one of those vars in the group_vars/all.yml file and change them to suit your own environment. A little explanation on what each of those variables means:

  • monitor_interface — The interface the Mon container will bind for its ip address and port
  • public_network — The front-facing network (can be collocated with the cluster network)
  • cluster_network (optional) — The replication network for the OSDs (can be collocated with the public network)
  • radosgw_interface — The interface the RGW container will bind for its IP address and port
  • radosgw_num_instances (optional) — The number of RGW containers per server, default is 1
  • ceph_docker_image & ceph_docker_image_tag — Choosing the Ceph container image with the right version, the registry can be your own enterprise registry
  • ceph_docker_registry_auth/username/password — In case you use credentials to log in to your enterprise registry
  • containerized_deployment — Will determine whether the containerized suitable playbooks will run
  • dashboard_enabled — Will deploy Ceph’s dashboard using the Mgr module

After configuring the group_vars/all.yml file, Let's touch the second file needed to change.

Changing variables in the osds.yml file

The group_vars/osds.yml file contains all the needed vars regarding the OSDs deployment in our cluster, to make things simple, we'll use the automatic creation of our OSDs by letting the playbook create all the needed LVMs for us.

in the group_vars/osds.yml file change the following:

- /dev/sdX
- /dev/sdY

This configuration will make the playbook take those disks, create LVMs and then create OSDs upon those disks, so make sure you have the same disk labels on each server. This is assuming you have two disks per server, you can have more or less (supported 1 up to 36).

Running the playbook

Now that we have the minimal configuration needed for our Ceph cluster deployment, let’s run the installation playbook:

$ ansible-playbook site-container.yml

The playbook will start deploying our cluster When the playbook finishes you’ll see the following:

TASK [show ceph status for cluster ceph] 
Thursday 02 July 2020 12:25:10 +0000 (0:00:01.088) 0:12:33.779 *********
ok: [ceph-osd1 -> ceph-osd1] =>
- ' cluster:'
- ' id: 138a6332-2094-4b11-b4a1-be658e71e9c5'
- ' health: HEALTH_OK'
- ' '
- ' services:'
- ' mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-osd1,ceph-osd2,ceph-osd3 (age 9m)'
- ' mgr: ceph-osd1(active, since 25s), standbys: ceph-osd2'
- ' osd: 6 osds: 6 up (since 7m), 6 in (since 3w)'
- ' rgw: 3 daemons active (ceph-osd1.rgw0, ceph-osd2.rgw0, ceph-osd3.rgw0)'
- ' '
- ' task status:'
- ' '
- ' data:'
- ' pools: 7 pools, 448 pgs'
- ' objects: 246 objects, 46 KiB'
- ' usage: 60 GiB used, 424 GiB / 484 GiB avail'
- ' pgs: 448 active+clean'
- ' '
- ' io:'
- ' client: 1.2 KiB/s rd, 85 B/s wr, 1 op/s rd, 0 op/s wr'
- ' '

Now we have our Ceph cluster up and running! let’s verify that be executing a ceph -s command on one of our servers:

$ ssh ceph-osd1$ podman exec -it ceph-mon-ceph-osd1 ceph -s  cluster:
id: 138a6332-2094-4b11-b4a1-be658e71e9c5
health: HEALTH_OK

mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-osd1,ceph-osd2,ceph-osd3 (age 11m)
mgr: ceph-osd1(active, since 88s), standbys: ceph-osd2
osd: 6 osds: 6 up (since 9m), 6 in (since 3w)
rgw: 3 daemons active (ceph-osd1.rgw0, ceph-osd2.rgw0, ceph-osd3.rgw0)

task status:

pools: 7 pools, 448 pgs
objects: 246 objects, 46 KiB
usage: 60 GiB used, 424 GiB / 484 GiB avail
pgs: 448 active+clean

Great! we see that the cluster is in HELATH_OK and we can start using it :)


We saw how we can deploy a containerized Ceph cluster using the ceph-ansible package. The installation is quite easy and you can have your Ceph cluster ready in 20 minutes or so (depending on your environment size). Hope you have enjoyed this demo, see ya next time :)

