Deploy Your Virtualized Web Application Using Openshift Virtualization, Ansible, And MetalLB For A Pure IaC

Shon Paz
7 min readJun 4, 2022
Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

We all know that Kubernetes is the new OS for our data center, whether it's in the cloud, on-premise, or at the edge.

Using the project, we can now deploy VMs on top of Kubernetes in addition to containers.

This allows us to take advantage of the agility and portability of Kubernetes in our virtualized workloads as well, integrating with defacto standard automation APIs, such as Ansible.

In the demo, I’d like to show how you can deploy an end-to-end virtualized web application and expose it to the outside world in a single click, in order to achieve a real infrastructure-as-code deployment on top of Kubernetes

So let’s go :)


  • A running Openshift cluster (4.10)
  • Openshift Virtualization operator installed (4.10)
  • MetalLB operator installed (4.10)
  • A bastion server for running the IaC automation (RHEL 8.5)
  • Ansible installed (2.9.27)

Preparing The K8S Dynamic Inventory

In this demo, we’ll use the K8S dynamic inventory plugin for Ansible, that will allow us to query available resources in a given namespace on demand.

To make sure that you configure it properly, make sure to use the Ansible documentation.

Let’s try to understand how this thing works on a high level.

Basically what happens, is that the pip package we install can be implemented to query a given namespace and return all the resources under that namespace.

That way, as in other dynamic inventory plugins, if things change beneath the engine, we get all the latest updates.

As Kubernetes is a dynamic orchestration layer, where resources tend to change often, we make sure that we work with all of the latest resources and not with stale ones.

In order to make sure that you have configured your dynamic inventory plugin properly, make sure to create the following inventory file:

$ cat hosts.k8s.yaml plugin: kubernetes.core.k8s
- namespaces:
- test-vms

As you can see, I’ve given the plugin the wanted namespace to work on, and it returns all the resources under that namespace divided into Ansible groups:

$ ansible-inventory --list -i hosts.k8s.yaml | yq -P_meta:
hostvars: {}
- api-ocp-spaz-local_6443
- ungrouped
- namespace_test-vms
- namespace_test-vms_pods
- namespace_test-vms_services

A High-Level Sketch

Let’s try to dive in and understand what we’re trying to solve here.

Basically, we want to deploy an end-to-end web application (basic httpd app), including all the resources that are needed underneath (The VMs, config management, load balancers, etc) so that our application acts properly in production.

A single click will allow us to have this all configured at the end.

As you can see, we have the bastion server that deploys this whole magic and interacts with our cluster API directly to query and create resources.

Once the VM and the LB for that VM are being created, the Ansbile host queries the resources using the dynamic inventory plugin to catch the VMs that were created and deploy the apache based application on top.

Now that we have all of the theory set up, let's start writing some playbooks!

Creating Resources Using Ansible K8S Module & Jinja2

In order to create all needed resources, we’ll use the Ansible K8S Module that will allow us to interact with our Openshift Cluster API in order to create all of the needed resources.

In addition, we’ll use Jinja2 to render variables dynamically at runtime, as our playbook runs.

Creating Virtual Machines

In order to create a Virtual Machine, we’ll interact with the Openshift Virtualization operator to create the proper custom resources.

This automation of course assumes that we have a RHEL 8.5 template already imported to Openshift Virtualization, and ready to use.

We’ll create a custom resource called VirtualMachine, that defines the properties of the VMs that we want to deploy, including all of their needed configurations for installing the applications.

As you can see, we’ve created a Jinja2 template that defines what each VM should look like. The {{ item }} field shows that we expect our playbook to run over those variables at runtime, we'll connect the dots later in this article.

An important thing to look at is what we use cloudinit in order to configure the VM at startup. This cloudinit script will run when the VM boots and will prepare all repositories, SSH keys, packages, etc.

Creating LB For Virtual Machines

Now that we have the needed configuration for the Virtual Machines, we need to expose them outside of our cluster, so that end-users will be able to access them.

We’ll use MetalLB operator, in order to create an external IP address for each one of our VMs. This address will be able to hop between nodes, so that if a node fails, the VM, including its floating IP will be able to move to another host and continue serving the application properly.

Make sure that you have configured a address pool for your MetalLB operator, in your wanted scope, so that it'll be able to give your VM a valid address.

For each VM, we use the {{ item }} field as in the previous section, so that MetalLB will know how to find the VMs by their given names (which is basically the label that is given to each created VM automatically).

The VM names will be passed in the vars section in our playbook later on.

Create The Application Web Page

When VMs are up and running, we’ll configure our apache based application on top, using a rendered index.html file that will point to the VM that it runs on.

When the playbook runs, we’ll run over the existing index.html file with the following:

Wrapping Things Up

Now let’s take a look at the main playbook that will use our created Jinja2 templates:

$ cat openshift-virtualization-iac-httpd.yaml---
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
serial: 1
connection: local
- app-server-1
- app-server-2
- app-server-3
namespace: "test-vms"
- name: Create VMs using Kubernetes module
path: 'vm-configuration.yaml.j2'
state: present
loop: "{{ vm_names }}"

- name: Expose VMs to the outside world using MetalLB
path: 'vm-fip-configuration-yaml.j2'
state: present
loop: "{{ vm_names }}"

- name: Pause for 5 minutes to allow a proper VM creation
minutes: 12
- name: Deploy httpd based VMs using IaC w/ Openshift Virtualization
remote_user: cloud-user
gather_facts: no
serial: 1
become: yes
hosts: namespace_test-vms_services
- name: Verify that httpd package is installed
name: httpd
state: present
check_mode: true
- name: Copy index.html template to default httpd directory
src: index.html.j2
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
- name: Retart httpd service to enable changes
name: httpd
state: restarted

As you can see, in the first phase we define variables (vm_names and namespace) that will be used in our Jinja2 templates. When we loop on the vm_names variable, the {{ item }} field is being run over for each one of the created VMs.

After we create all of the infrastructure resources, we wait for the cloudinit script to finish (can take a few minutes), and then we go to the second part of the playbook.

In the second part, we rely on the dynamic inventory plugin to return the namespace_test-vms_services group as our hosts field, which will return the VM names for running the automation.

Then, we use the cloud-user and the public SSH key that were created in the cloudinit script that we passed to each one of the created VMs to connect to those VMs and run the application installation.

Important! Make sure to have DNS names configured for those VMs as configured in the vm_names variable or else you wouldn't be able to connect to them via SSH

Running The Automation

In order to run the automation, we’ll use the built-in Ansible commands:

$ ansible-playbook openshift-virtualization-iac-httpd.yaml -i hosts.k8s.yaml

Make sure that the playbook has finished successfully:

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************
app-server-1 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
app-server-2 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
app-server-3 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
localhost : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

And the all of the resources were created successfully as well, Let’s start with the VMs:

$ oc get vmsNAME           AGE   STATUS    READY
app-server-1 19m Running True
app-server-2 19m Running True
app-server-3 19m Running True

And now let’s verify that the external addresses were created as well:

$ oc get svc NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                     AGE
app-server-1 LoadBalancer 22:32660/TCP,80:32187/TCP 13d
app-server-2 LoadBalancer 22:30241/TCP,80:32319/TCP 13d
app-server-3 LoadBalancer 22:30328/TCP,80:32655/TCP 13d

Now let’s try to access our application using our web browser, we’ll take app-server-1 as an example to see what's the output:


We saw that we can deploy an entire infrastructure, including a web application in a single click, all using the Kubernetes API.

This brings a lot of agility and portability to our applications, in terms of integrations with new automation engines, and of course with other products in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this demo, See ya next time :)

